Source code for boto3_helpers.dynamodb

from boto3 import resource as boto3_resource

def _table_or_name(x):
    if isinstance(x, str):
        return boto3_resource('dynamodb').Table(x)

    return x

def _page_helper(method, **kwargs):
    while True:
        resp = method(**kwargs)
        yield from resp.get('Items', [])
        start_key = resp.get('LastEvaluatedKey')
        if not start_key:
        kwargs['ExclusiveStartKey'] = start_key

[docs]def query_table(ddb_table, **kwargs): """Yield all of the items that match the DynamoDB query: * *ddb_table* is a table name or a ``boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table`` instance. * *kwargs* are passed directly to the ``Table.query`` method. Usage: .. code-block:: python from boto3 import resource as boto3_resource from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key from boto3_helpers.dynamodb import query_table ddb_resource = boto3_resource('dynamodb') ddb_table = ddb_resource.Table('example-table') condition = Key('username').eq('johndoe') all_items = list( query_table(ddb_table, KeyConditionExpression=condition) ) """ t = _table_or_name(ddb_table) yield from _page_helper(t.query, **kwargs)
[docs]def scan_table(ddb_table, **kwargs): """Yield all of the items that match the DynamoDB query: * *ddb_table* is a table name or a ``boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table`` instance. * *kwargs* are passed directly to the ``Table.scan`` method. Usage: .. code-block:: python from boto3 import resource as boto3_resource from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Attr from boto3_helpers.dynamodb import scan_table ddb_resource = boto3_resource('dynamodb') ddb_table = ddb_resource.Table('example-table') condition = Attr('username').eq('johndoe') all_items = list( scan_table(ddb_table, FilterExpression=condition) ) """ t = _table_or_name(ddb_table) yield from _page_helper(t.scan, **kwargs)
[docs]def update_attributes(ddb_table, key, update_map, **kwargs): """Update a DyanmoDB table item and return the ``update_item`` response: * *ddb_table* is a table name or a ``boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table`` instance. * *key* is a mapping that identifies the item to update. * *update_map* is a mapping of top-level item attributes to target values. * *kwargs* are passed directly to the the ``Table.update_item`` method. Usage: .. code-block:: python from boto3 import resource as boto3_resource from boto3_helpers.dynamodb import update_attributes ddb_resource = boto3_resource('dynamodb') ddb_table = ddb_resource.Table('example-table') key = {'username': 'janedoe', 'last_name': 'Doe'} update_map = {'age': 26} resp = update_attributes(ddb_table, key, update_map) In the past, the ``boto3`` DynamoDB library provided a simple means of updating items with ``AttributeUpdates``. However, this parameter is deprecated. This function constructs equivalent ``UpdateExpression`` and ``ExpressionAttributeValues`` parameters. Equivalent to: .. code-block:: python ddb_resource = boto3_resource('dynamodb') ddb_table = ddb_resource.Table('example-table') key = {'username': 'janedoe', 'last_name': 'Doe'} resp = ddb_table.update_item( Key=key, UpdateExpression='SET age = :val1', ExpressionAttributeValues={':val1': 26}, ) Note that nested attributes (i.e. map attributes) can be updated, but that you need to provide values for the entire map. .. code-block:: python # Suppose that DDB had this before: # { # "username": "janedoe", # "parameters": { # "age": 25, # "weight_kg": 70 # } # } # After this call, `parameters.age` will be 26, but there will # no longer be a `paramters.weight_kg`. ddb_resource = boto3_resource('dynamodb') ddb_table = ddb_resource.Table('example-table') key = {'username': 'janedoe', 'last_name': 'Doe'} update_map = {'parameters': {'age': 26}} resp = update_attributes(ddb_table, key, update_map) """ t = _table_or_name(ddb_table) set_parts = [] attrib_values = {} for i, (k, v) in enumerate(update_map.items(), 1): set_parts.append(f'{k} = :val{i}') attrib_values[f':val{i}'] = v set_stmt = ', '.join(set_parts) return t.update_item( Key=key, UpdateExpression=f"SET {set_stmt}", ExpressionAttributeValues=attrib_values, **kwargs, )