API Documentation

ARN Helpers

boto3_helpers.arn.construct_arn(existing=None, *, sts_client=None, **kwargs)[source]

Construct an ARN from an existing one.

  • existing is used as a template. If not provided, one will be derived from your IAM user or role.

  • sts_client is a boto3.client('sts') instance. If not given, is created with boto3.client('sts'). This will only be used if existing is not supplied.

  • kwargs can include any of the following: partition, service, region, account_id, resource_type, resource_separator, resource_id.

Some ARNs end with resource_id. You can construct these by supplying resource_type='' and resource_id='DesiredID'.

Other ARNs end with resource_type:resource_id. You can construct these by supplying resource_type='DesiredType', resource_separator=':', and resource_id='DesiredID'

Still other ARNs end with resource_type/resource_id. You can construct these by supplying resource_type='DesiredType', resource_separator='/', and resource_id='DesiredID'

Converting one format to another:

from boto3_helpers.arn import construct_arn

existing = 'arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-2:00000000:table/demo'
new = construct_arn(
print(new)  # arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:00000000:function:example

Starting from your IAM user or role:

from boto3_helpers.arn import construct_arn

new = construct_arn(
print(new)  # arn:aws:dynamodb:us-east-2:00000000:table/demo

CloudWatch Helpers

boto3_helpers.cloudwatch.yield_metric_data(namespace, metric_name, dimension_map, period, stat, start_time, end_time, cw_client=None, **kwargs)[source]

Yield all the data associated with a single metric. Each item yielded is a (dt, value) pair.

  • namespace is the namespace for the metric.

  • metric_name is the name of the metric.

  • dimension_map is a dict that maps dimension names to values, e.g. {'Name': 'Value'}. If the metric has no dimension, supply an empty dict.

  • period is the granularity of the returned data points in seconds.

  • stat is the name of the statistic to evaluate, e.g. Maximum.

  • start_time is a datetime.datetime object that specifies that beginning of the query.

  • end_time is a datetime.datetime object that specifies that end of the query.

  • cw_client is a boto3.client('cloudwatch') instance. If not given, is created with boto3.client('cloudwatch')

  • kwargs can include Unit, Expression, Period, AccountId, ScanBy, LabelOptions, and PaginationConfig. These are inserted at the appropriate place in the get_paginator('get_metric_data').paginate call.


from datetime import datetime, timezone
from boto3_helpers.cloudwatch import yield_metric_data

for dt, value in yield_metric_data(
    {'StorageType': 'AllStorageTypes', 'BucketName': 'example-bucket'},
    datetime(2022, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, timezone.utc),
    datetime(2022, 9, 16, 0, 0, 0, timezone.utc),
    print(dt.isoformat(), value, sep=' ')

This function is designed to simplify the common case of pulling all data for a single metric, which is cumbersome with the normal CloudWatch get_metric_data method.

ScanBy is set to TimestampAscending by default, so data should be emitted in sorted order.

DynamoDB Helpers

boto3_helpers.dynamodb.query_table(ddb_table, **kwargs)[source]

Yield all of the items that match the DynamoDB query:

  • ddb_table is a table name or a boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table instance.

  • kwargs are passed directly to the Table.query method.


from boto3 import resource as boto3_resource
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key
from boto3_helpers.dynamodb import query_table

ddb_resource = boto3_resource('dynamodb')
ddb_table = ddb_resource.Table('example-table')
condition = Key('username').eq('johndoe')
all_items = list(
    query_table(ddb_table, KeyConditionExpression=condition)
boto3_helpers.dynamodb.scan_table(ddb_table, **kwargs)[source]

Yield all of the items that match the DynamoDB query:

  • ddb_table is a table name or a boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table instance.

  • kwargs are passed directly to the Table.scan method.


from boto3 import resource as boto3_resource
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Attr
from boto3_helpers.dynamodb import scan_table

ddb_resource = boto3_resource('dynamodb')
ddb_table = ddb_resource.Table('example-table')
condition = Attr('username').eq('johndoe')
all_items = list(
    scan_table(ddb_table, FilterExpression=condition)
boto3_helpers.dynamodb.update_attributes(ddb_table, key, update_map, **kwargs)[source]

Update a DyanmoDB table item and return the update_item response:

  • ddb_table is a table name or a boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table instance.

  • key is a mapping that identifies the item to update.

  • update_map is a mapping of top-level item attributes to target values.

  • kwargs are passed directly to the the Table.update_item method.


from boto3 import resource as boto3_resource
from boto3_helpers.dynamodb import update_attributes

ddb_resource = boto3_resource('dynamodb')
ddb_table = ddb_resource.Table('example-table')
key = {'username': 'janedoe', 'last_name': 'Doe'}
update_map = {'age': 26}
resp = update_attributes(ddb_table, key, update_map)

In the past, the boto3 DynamoDB library provided a simple means of updating items with AttributeUpdates. However, this parameter is deprecated. This function constructs equivalent UpdateExpression and ExpressionAttributeValues parameters.

Equivalent to:

ddb_resource = boto3_resource('dynamodb')
ddb_table = ddb_resource.Table('example-table')
key = {'username': 'janedoe', 'last_name': 'Doe'}
resp = ddb_table.update_item(
    UpdateExpression='SET age = :val1',
    ExpressionAttributeValues={':val1': 26},

Note that nested attributes (i.e. map attributes) can be updated, but that you need to provide values for the entire map.

# Suppose that DDB had this before:
# {
#   "username": "janedoe",
#   "parameters": {
#     "age": 25,
#     "weight_kg": 70
#   }
# }
# After this call, `parameters.age` will be 26, but there will
# no longer be a `paramters.weight_kg`.

ddb_resource = boto3_resource('dynamodb')
ddb_table = ddb_resource.Table('example-table')
key = {'username': 'janedoe', 'last_name': 'Doe'}
update_map = {'parameters': {'age': 26}}
resp = update_attributes(ddb_table, key, update_map)

EventBridge Helpers

boto3_helpers.events.describe_rule_with_targets(*, events_client=None, **kwargs)[source]

Return a dict with the information from the describe_rule call combined with the information from the list_targets_by_rule call.

  • events_client is a boto3.client('events') instance. If not given, one will be created with boto3.client('events').

  • Name is the name of the rule to be passed to describe_rule. This is required.

  • EventBusName is the name or ARN of the event bus associated with the rule. If omitted, the default event bus is used.

Sample output:

    'Name': 'example-rule',
    'Arn': 'arn:aws:events:us-east-2:00000000:rule/example-rule',
    'ScheduleExpression': 'rate(5 minutes)',
    'State': 'ENABLED',
    'EventBusName': 'default',
    'CreatedBy': '00000000',
    'Targets': [
            'Id': 'Id1c4e7db5-6dd2-47e9-b7bc-98561ae038f7',
            'Arn': 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:00000000:function:example-func',
            'Input': '{"hello": "world"}',


from boto3 import client as boto3_client
from boto3_helpers.events import describe_rule_with_targets

events_client = boto3_client('events')
rule_data = describe_rule_with_targets(
    Name='example-rule', EventBusName='example-bus'
for target in rule['Targets']:
        sep=' '


It’s possible for another API user to make changes in between the calls to describe_rule and list_targets_by_rule. Govern yourself accordingly. This function is here to save you the trouble of making these calls manually.

boto3_helpers.events.yield_rules_by_target(*, events_client=None, **kwargs)[source]

Yield a dict with information about each rule in the list_rule_names_by_target response.

  • events_client is a boto3.client('events') instance. If not given, one will be created with boto3.client('events').

  • TargetArn is the ARN of the target. This is required

  • EventBusName is the name or ARN of the event bus to list rules for. If omitted, the default event bus is used.

See describe_rule_with_targets() for the output format.


from boto3 import client as boto3_client
from boto3_helpers.events import yield_rules_by_target

events_client = boto3_client('events')
for rule_data in yield_rules_by_target(
        sep=' '


It’s possible for another API user to make changes in between the calls to list_rule_names_by_target, describe_rule, and list_targets_by_rule. Govern yourself accordingly. This function is here to save you the trouble of making these calls manually.

boto3_helpers.events.yield_rules_with_targets(*, events_client=None, **kwargs)[source]

Yield a dict with the information from the describe_rule call combined with the information from the list_targets_by_rule call for each rule in the list_rules response.

  • events_client is a boto3.client('events') instance. If not given, one will be created with boto3.client('events').

  • NamePrefix is an optional filtering prefix for rule name

  • EventBusName is the name or ARN of the event bus to list rules for. If omitted, the default event bus is used.

See describe_rule_with_targets() for the output format.


from boto3 import client as boto3_client
from boto3_helpers.events import yield_rules_with_targets

events_client = boto3_client('events')
for rule_data in yield_rules_with_targets():
        sep=' '


It’s possible for another API user to make changes in between the calls to list_rules and list_targets_by_rule. Govern yourself accordingly. This function is here to save you the trouble of making these calls manually.

Lambda Helpers

boto3_helpers.awslambda.update_environment_variables(function_name, new_env, *, lambda_client=None)[source]

Do a partial update of a Lambda function’s environment variables. Return the resulting environment.

  • function_name is the Lambda function name.

  • new_env is a mapping with the new environment variables.

  • lambda_client is a boto3.client('lambda') instance. If not given, one will be created with boto3.client('lambda').


from boto3_helpers.awslambda import update_environment_variables

new_env = {'LOG_LEVEL': 'INFO', 'LOG_SERVER': ''}
result_env = update_environment_variables(
assert result_env['LOG_LEVEL'] == 'INFO'
assert result_env['LOG_SERVER'] == ''
assert result_env['LOG_PORT'] == '24601'  # Or whatever it was before

The function’s existing environment variables will be fetched, merged with the new_env, and sent to the Lambda API.


It’s possible for another API user to change environment variables in between this function’s calls to get_function_configuration and update_function_configuration. The Lambda API doesn’t allow for atomic updates.

Kinesis Helpers

boto3_helpers.kinesis.yield_all_shards(kinesis_client=None, **kwargs)[source]

Due to a bug in botocore, the list_shards paginator does not work correctly. This function yields the information from all shards in a Kinesis stream.

  • kinesis_client is a boto3.client('kinesis_client') instance. If not given, one will be created with boto3.client('kinesis_client').

  • kwargs are passed directly to the list_shards method. You’ll need to supply at least StreamARN or StreamName.


from boto3_helpers.kinesis import yield_all_shards

for shard in yield_all_shards(StreamName='example-stream'):
boto3_helpers.kinesis.yield_available_shard_records(kinesis_client=None, **kwargs)[source]

Yield all available records from the given Kinesis stream shard. Records will be pulled from until MillisBehindLatest is zero.

  • ShardId is the ID of the shard.

  • kinesis_client is a boto3.client('kinesis_client') instance. If not given, one will be created with boto3.client('kinesis_client').

  • kwargs are passed directly to the get_shard_iterator method. You’ll need to supply at least StreamARN (or StreamName) and ShardId. By default you’ll get records from the stream’s TRIM_HORIZON.

Reading from the earliest available record:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from boto3_helpers.kinesis import yield_available_shard_records

for record in yield_available_shard_records('example-stream', 'shard-0001'):
    print(record['SequenceNumber], record['Data], sep=' ')
boto3_helpers.kinesis.yield_available_stream_records(kinesis_client=None, **kwargs)[source]

Yield all available records from the given Kinesis stream. Records will be pulled from each of the stream’s shards until MillisBehindLatest is zero. The shards’ records will be interleaved together (example: if a stream has three shards, the first record yielded will be from shard A, the second will be from shard B, the third will be from shard, the fourth will be from shard A, etc.).

  • kinesis_client is a boto3.client('kinesis_client') instance. If not given, one will be created with boto3.client('kinesis_client').

  • kwargs are passed directly to the get_shard_iterator method. You’ll need to supply at least StreamARN or StreamName. By default you’ll get records from the stream’s TRIM_HORIZON.

Reading from the earliest available record:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from boto3_helpers.kinesis import yield_available_stream_records

for record in yield_available_stream_records(StreamName='example-stream'):
    print(record['SequenceNumber], record['Data], sep=' ')

Reading from a particular timestamp:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from boto3_helpers.kinesis import yield_available_stream_records

for record in yield_available_stream_records(
    Timestamp=datetime.now(timezone.utc) - timedelta(hours=1),
    print(record['SequenceNumber], record['Data], sep=' ')


This is a synchronous function, and may not be fast enough for real-time processing of high volume streams.

MediaLive Helpers

boto3_helpers.medialive.delete_schedule_action_chain(channel_id, delete_action_name, dry_run=False, eml_client=None)[source]

Delete a MediaLive scheduled action, plus any actions that depend on it. Return the names of the actions that were deleted.

  • channel_id is the MediaLive channel ID.

  • delete_action_name is the name of the scheduled action to delete.

  • dry_run determines whether the delete actions are actually executed. Set to False to return the names of the actions that _would_ have been deleted.

  • eml_client (optional) is a boto3.client('medialive') instance.


from boto3_helpers.medialive import delete_schedule_action_chain

deleted_actions = delete_schedule_action_chain(
    '24601', 'switch-immediate'

MediaLive’s deletion rules still apply: you can’t delete an action chain associated with the most recent input switch.

MediaTailor Helpers

boto3_helpers.mediatailor.update_playback_configuration(config_name, emt_client=None, **config_kwargs)[source]

Do a partial update of a MediaTailor configuration and return the result:

  • config_name is the name of the playback configuration that will be updated.

  • emt_client is a boto3.client('mediatailor') instance. If not given, is created with boto3.client('mediatailor').

  • config_kwargs are passed directly to the put_playback_configuration method.


from boto3_helpers.mediatailor import update_playback_configuration

new_config = update_playback_configuration(

The existing playback configuration will be fetched, merged with the new values, and then sent to the MediaTailor API.


It’s possible for another API user to change the playback configuration in between this function’s calls to get_playback_configuration and put_playback_configuration. The MediaTailor API doesn’t allow for atomic updates.

Pagination Helpers

boto3_helpers.pagination.yield_all_items(boto_client, method_name, list_key, **kwargs)[source]

A helper function that simplifies retrieving items from API endpoints that require paging. Yields each item from every page:

  • boto_client is a boto3.client() instance for the relevant service.

  • method_name is the name of the client method that requires paging.

  • list_key is the name of the top-level key in the method’s response that corresponds to the desired list of items. If the method’s response has multiple levels, use a jmespath expression.

  • kwargs are passed through to the appropriate paginate method.

EC2 example:

from boto3 import client as boto3_client
from boto3_helpers.pagination import yield_all_items

ec2_client = boto3_client('ec2')
for item in yield_all_items(
    ec2_client, 'describe_instances', 'Reservations'

In this example, the list_key for EC2’s describe_instances is 'Reservations'.

S3 example:

from boto3 import client as boto3_client
from boto3_helpers.pagination import yield_all_items

s3_client = boto3_client('s3')
for item in yield_all_items(

In this example, the list_key for S3’s list_objects_v2 is 'Contents'.

CloudFront example:

from boto3 import client as boto3_client
from boto3_helpers.pagination import yield_all_items

cloudfront_client = boto3_client('cloudfront')
for item in yield_all_items(

S3 Helpers

boto3_helpers.s3.query_object(bucket, key, query, input_format, *, s3_client=None, **kwargs)[source]

Runs an S3 Select query on the given object and yields each of the matching records.

  • bucket is the S3 bucket to use

  • key is the key to query

  • query is the S3 Select SQL query to use

  • input_format this can be json, json.gz, jsonl, jsonl.gz, csv, csv.gz, tsv, tsv.gz, or None.

  • s3_client is a boto3.client('s3') instance. If not given, one will be created with boto3.client('s3').

  • kwargs are passed to the select_object_content method.

The csv, csv.gz, tsv, and tsv.gz input formats assume a usable header row. To customize the input format, set input_format to None and specify InputSerialization in kwargs.

Each of the output records will be decoded with json.loads before being yielded. The function takes care of combining partial records from S3’s event stream.

from boto3_helpers.s3 import query_object

for record in query_object(
    'SELECT * FROM s3object s',
    print(record['SomeField'], record['OtherField'], sep=' ')

Signed Request Helpers

exception boto3_helpers.signed_requests.SigV4RequestException(status_code, content)[source]

Exception raised by sigv4_request() when an HTTP response indicates an error.

boto3_helpers.signed_requests.sigv4_request(service, method, endpoint, client=None, base_url=None, operation_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Make a signed request to the AWS API and return the JSON payload.

  • service is the AWS API service code

  • method is an HTTP method like 'GET' or 'POST'

  • endpoint is the target API endpoint. If you need to supply parameters, put supply them as a query string here (e.g., ?MaxResults=1)

  • client is a boto3.client instance for the same account and region as your target. If not given, is created with boto3.client('sts')

  • base_url is the URL for the target AWS API. If not given, a guess will be made based on the service name and client region.

  • operation_name is the name of the API operation to use when signing the request

  • kwargs are passed on to an AWSRequest object.

If the API response indicates an error, boto3_helpers.signed_requests.SigV4RequestException will be raised.

This function is useful for accessing endpoints that aren’t supported by boto3. For example, botocore introduced support for the 'scheduler' service in version 1.29.7. You could have used this function to interact with that API before this new version was available:

from boto3_helpers.signed_requests import sigv4_request

schedule_data = sigv4_request('scheduler', 'GET', 'schedules')


  • The EventBridge Scheduler API Reference describes the ListSchedules API action.

  • The service code for EventBridge Scheduler is 'scheduler'.

  • The method for ListSchedules is 'GET'.

  • The endpoint is '/schedules'. This function will strip off leading slashes.

We could haved optionally supplied the operation_name as 'ListSchedules'.

Example: Invoking a Lambda function URL that uses the AWS_IAM auth type:

from boto3_helpers.signed_requests import sigv4_request

resp = sigv4_request(
    data=dumps({'payload_key_1': 'payload_value_1'})

SQS Helpers

boto3_helpers.sqs.send_batches(queue_url, all_messages, sqs_client=None, message_limit=10, size_limit=262144)[source]

Call send_message_batch as many times as necessary to deliver the messages in all_messages, creating batches that fit SQS limits automatically.

  • queue_url is the URL of the SQS queue.

  • all_messages is an iterable of message entries, like what you would use for send_message or send_message_batch.

  • sqs_client is a boto3.client('sqs') instance. If not given, is created with boto3.client('sqs').

  • message_limit is 10 by default. This is the maximum number of messages to be sent per batch.

  • size_limit is 262_144 (256 KiB) by default. This is the maximum batch payload size.

Return value:

    'Successful': [
            'Id': 'string',
            'MessageId': 'string',
            'MD5OfMessageBody': 'string',
            'MD5OfMessageAttributes': 'string',
            'MD5OfMessageSystemAttributes': 'string',
            'SequenceNumber': 'string'
    'Failed': [
            'Id': 'string',
            'SenderFault': bool,
            'Code': 'string',
            'Message': 'string'

If you don’t supply an Id parameter in your messages, one will be inserted automatically.

Messages from all_messages are collected in order. If the number of message reaches the message_limit or the combined payload size of the messages reaches size_limit, a new batch will be started. The size calculation includes message attributes.


from boto3_helpers.sqs import send_batches

queue_url = 'https://sqs.test-region-1.amazonaws.com/000000000000/test-queue'
all_messages = [
    {'MessageBody': 'Beautiful is better than ugly'},
    {'MessageBody': 'Explicit is better than implicit', 'DelaySeconds': 120},
    {'MessageBody': 'Simple is better than complex'},
    # Fill this in with an arbitrary number of messages
send_batches(queue_url, all_messages)
boto3_helpers.sqs.delete_batches(queue_url, all_messages, sqs_client=None, message_limit=10)[source]

Call delete_message_batch as many times as necessary to delete the messages in all_messages, creating batches that fit SQS limits automatically.

  • queue_url is the URL of the SQS queue.

  • all_messages is an iterable of message entries, like what you would use for delete_message or delete_message_batch.

  • sqs_client is a boto3.client('sqs') instance. If not given, is created with boto3.client('sqs').

  • message_limit is 10 by default. This is the maximum number of messages to delete per batch.

Return value:

    'Successful': [
            'Id': 'string',
            'MessageId': 'string',
            'MD5OfMessageBody': 'string',
            'MD5OfMessageAttributes': 'string',
            'MD5OfMessageSystemAttributes': 'string',
            'SequenceNumber': 'string'
    'Failed': [
            'Id': 'string',
            'SenderFault': bool,
            'Code': 'string',
            'Message': 'string'

The items in all_messages only need to have a ReceiptHandle key in them. This means you can pass in messages you get from the receive_messages method directly.


from boto3_helpers.sqs import delete_batches

queue_url = 'https://sqs.test-region-1.amazonaws.com/000000000000/test-queue'
all_messages = [
    {'ReceiptHandle': 'UmVjZWlwdCBoYW5kbGUgMQ=='},
    {'ReceiptHandle': 'U2Vjb25kIHJlY2VpcHQgaGFuZGxl'},
    {'Id': '24601', 'ReceiptHandle': 'VGhpcyBvbmUgaGFzIGl0cyBvd24gSUQ='},
    # Fill this in with an arbitrary number of messages
delete_batches(queue_url, all_messages)

STS Helpers

boto3_helpers.sts.assumed_role_session(sts_client=None, session_kwargs=None, **assume_role_kwargs)[source]

Return a boto3.Session object for an assumed role:

  • sts_client is a boto3.client('sts') instance. If not given, one will be created with boto3.client('sts').

  • session_kwargs are the keyword arguments you want to pass to the boto3.Session() constructor.

  • assume_role_kwargs are the arguments for the assume_role operation, which at least include RoleArn. If RoleSessionName is not given, a randomly-generated one will be used.


from boto3_helpers.sts import assumed_role_session

role_arn = 'arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/TargetRole'
session = assumed_role_session(RoleArn=role_arn)

This is equivalent to:

from boto3 import (
    client as boto3_client,
    Session as boto3_session,

sts_client = boto3_client('sts')
role_arn = 'arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/TargetRole'
session_name = 'AssumedRoleSession1'
resp = sts_client.assume_role(
    RoleArn=role_arn, RoleSessionName=session_name
credentials = resp['credentials']
session = boto3_session(
boto3_helpers.sts.assumed_role_client(service_name, *, sts_client=None, client_kwargs=None, **assume_role_kwargs)[source]

Return a boto3.client object for an assumed role:

  • service_name is the name of a service.

  • sts_client is a boto3.client('sts') instance. If not given, one will be created with boto3.client('sts').

  • client_kwargs are the keyword arguments you want to pass to the boto3.client() constructor.

  • assume_role_kwargs are the arguments for the assume_role operation, which at least include RoleArn. If RoleSessionName is not given, a randomly-generated one will be used.


 from boto3_helpers.sts import assumed_role_client

 client_kwargs = {'region_name': 'us-east-2'}
 role_arn = 'arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/TargetRole'
 sqs_client = assumed_role_client(
    'sqs', client_kwargs, RoleArn=role_arn
boto3_helpers.sts.assumed_role_resource(service_name, *, sts_client=None, resource_kwargs=None, **assume_role_kwargs)[source]

Return a boto3.resource object for an assumed role:

  • service_name is the name of a service.

  • sts_client is a boto3.client('sts') instance. If not given, one will be created with boto3.client('sts').

  • resource_kwargs are the keyword arguments you want to pass to the boto3.resource() constructor.

  • assume_role_kwargs are the arguments for the assume_role operation, which at least include RoleArn. If RoleSessionName is not given, a randomly-generated one will be used.


from boto3_helpers.sts import assumed_role_resource

resource_kwargs = {'region_name': 'us-east-2'}
role_arn = 'arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/TargetRole'
dynamodb_resource = assumed_role_resource(
    'dynamodb', resource_kwargs, RoleArn=role_arn