Source code for

from boto3 import client as boto3_client

from boto3_helpers.pagination import yield_all_items

[docs]def describe_rule_with_targets(*, events_client=None, **kwargs): """Return a ``dict`` with the information from the ``describe_rule`` call combined with the information from the ``list_targets_by_rule`` call. * *events_client* is a ``boto3.client('events')`` instance. If not given, one will be created with ``boto3.client('events')``. * *Name* is the name of the rule to be passed to ``describe_rule``. This is required. * *EventBusName* is the name or ARN of the event bus associated with the rule. If omitted, the default event bus is used. Sample output: .. code-block:: python { 'Name': 'example-rule', 'Arn': 'arn:aws:events:us-east-2:00000000:rule/example-rule', 'ScheduleExpression': 'rate(5 minutes)', 'State': 'ENABLED', 'EventBusName': 'default', 'CreatedBy': '00000000', 'Targets': [ { 'Id': 'Id1c4e7db5-6dd2-47e9-b7bc-98561ae038f7', 'Arn': 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:00000000:function:example-func', 'Input': '{"hello": "world"}', } ], } Usage: .. code-block:: python from boto3 import client as boto3_client from import describe_rule_with_targets events_client = boto3_client('events') rule_data = describe_rule_with_targets( Name='example-rule', EventBusName='example-bus' ) for target in rule['Targets']: print( rule_data['Arn'], rule_data['ScheduleExpression'], target['Arn'], sep=' ' ) .. note:: It's possible for another API user to make changes in between the calls to ``describe_rule`` and ``list_targets_by_rule``. Govern yourself accordingly. This function is here to save you the trouble of making these calls manually. """ events_client = events_client or boto3_client('events') resp = events_client.describe_rule(**kwargs) kwargs['Rule'] = kwargs.pop('Name') resp['Targets'] = list( yield_all_items(events_client, 'list_targets_by_rule', 'Targets', **kwargs) ) resp.pop('ResponseMetadata', {}) return resp
[docs]def yield_rules_by_target(*, events_client=None, **kwargs): """Yield a ``dict`` with information about each rule in the ``list_rule_names_by_target`` response. * *events_client* is a ``boto3.client('events')`` instance. If not given, one will be created with ``boto3.client('events')``. * *TargetArn* is the ARN of the target. This is required * *EventBusName* is the name or ARN of the event bus to list rules for. If omitted, the default event bus is used. See :func:`describe_rule_with_targets` for the output format. Usage: .. code-block:: python from boto3 import client as boto3_client from import yield_rules_by_target events_client = boto3_client('events') for rule_data in yield_rules_by_target( TargetArn='arn:aws:lambda:us-east-2:00000000:function:example-func' ): print( rule_data['Arn'], rule_data['ScheduleExpression'], len(rule_data['Targets']), sep=' ' ) .. note:: It's possible for another API user to make changes in between the calls to ``list_rule_names_by_target``, ``describe_rule``, and ``list_targets_by_rule``. Govern yourself accordingly. This function is here to save you the trouble of making these calls manually. """ events_client = events_client or boto3_client('events') target_arn = kwargs['TargetArn'] for rule_name in yield_all_items( events_client, 'list_rule_names_by_target', 'RuleNames', **kwargs ): describe_kwargs = {'Name': rule_name} if 'EventBusName' in kwargs: describe_kwargs['EventBusName'] = kwargs['EventBusName'] rule_data = describe_rule_with_targets( events_client=events_client, **describe_kwargs ) rule_data['Targets'] = [ t for t in rule_data['Targets'] if t['Arn'] == target_arn ] yield rule_data
[docs]def yield_rules_with_targets(*, events_client=None, **kwargs): """Yield a ``dict`` with the information from the ``describe_rule`` call combined with the information from the ``list_targets_by_rule`` call for each rule in the ``list_rules`` response. * *events_client* is a ``boto3.client('events')`` instance. If not given, one will be created with ``boto3.client('events')``. * *NamePrefix* is an optional filtering prefix for rule name * *EventBusName* is the name or ARN of the event bus to list rules for. If omitted, the default event bus is used. See :func:`describe_rule_with_targets` for the output format. Usage: .. code-block:: python from boto3 import client as boto3_client from import yield_rules_with_targets events_client = boto3_client('events') for rule_data in yield_rules_with_targets(): print( rule_data['Name'], rule_data['ScheduleExpression'], len(rule_data['Targets']), sep=' ' ) .. note:: It's possible for another API user to make changes in between the calls to ``list_rules`` and ``list_targets_by_rule``. Govern yourself accordingly. This function is here to save you the trouble of making these calls manually. """ events_client = events_client or boto3_client('events') for rule_data in yield_all_items(events_client, 'list_rules', 'Rules', **kwargs): rule_data['Targets'] = list( yield_all_items( events_client, 'list_targets_by_rule', 'Targets', Rule=rule_data['Name'], EventBusName=rule_data['EventBusName'], ) ) yield rule_data