Source code for boto3_helpers.pagination

from jmespath import search as json_search

[docs]def yield_all_items(boto_client, method_name, list_key, **kwargs): """A helper function that simplifies retrieving items from API endpoints that require paging. Yields each item from every page: * *boto_client* is a ``boto3.client()`` instance for the relevant service. * *method_name* is the name of the client method that requires paging. * *list_key* is the name of the top-level key in the method's response that corresponds to the desired list of items. If the method's response has multiple levels, use a ``jmespath`` expression. * *kwargs* are passed through to the appropriate ``paginate`` method. EC2 example: .. code-block:: python from boto3 import client as boto3_client from boto3_helpers.pagination import yield_all_items ec2_client = boto3_client('ec2') for item in yield_all_items( ec2_client, 'describe_instances', 'Reservations' ): print(item['ReservationId']) In this example, the ``list_key`` for EC2's ``describe_instances`` is ``'Reservations'``. S3 example: .. code-block:: python from boto3 import client as boto3_client from boto3_helpers.pagination import yield_all_items s3_client = boto3_client('s3') for item in yield_all_items( s3_client, 'list_objects_v2', 'Contents', Bucket='example-bucket', Prefix='example-prefix/' ): print(item['Key']) In this example, the ``list_key`` for S3's ``list_objects_v2`` is ``'Contents'``. CloudFront example: .. code-block:: python from boto3 import client as boto3_client from boto3_helpers.pagination import yield_all_items cloudfront_client = boto3_client('cloudfront') for item in yield_all_items( cloudfront_client, 'list_distributions', 'DistributionList.Items' ): print(item['Id']) """ paginator = boto_client.get_paginator(method_name) for page in paginator.paginate(**kwargs): yield from json_search(list_key, page) or []